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Artifacts of Man, Not God

Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006 2:26 AM

Today's No-Prize goes to South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds, who signed legislation banning all abortions except those necessary to save a woman's life.

In a written statement, Rounds says he expects the law to be tied up in court for years, and will not take effect unless the United States Supreme Court upholds it, thus setting the stage for the high court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Congratulations for perpetuating the myth that it's all the woman's fault, Governor Rounds. Ain't been an Immaculate Conception since Gabriel dropped by to give the Virgin Mary the good news.

Regardless of the sex-for-procreation-only crowd, that cluster of cells y'all are so enamored with is the result of a woman and a man. You'll pass laws to protect the helpless cluster of cells, but you won't support the woman who chooses not to have an abortion, nor criminalize the male half of the equation.

Far too many of the arguments against abortion rely on Christian ethics and Christian beliefs. Responsibility implies the freedom to choose, even choose that which others do not approve of.

In an interview over the weekend, British Prime Minister Tony Blair for declared that God would be the final judge on Blair's decision to go to war in Iraq.

It seems it's always in God's hands when we don't want to dirty our own. (Not to mention the contrast with the above - it's God's Will that we spare unborn children, but He's jiggy with whacking a bunch of fundamentalist Islamic militants and indirectly causing the deaths of thousands of Iraqi civilians.)

You made a decision to go to war, Mr. Blair. The consequences of that decision are played out daily in Iraq, and have brought terrorism from outside the United Kingdom to the streets of London.

You're accountable to the people you represent long before you have to take it up with God. I suggest you get to it.

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