The Ministry of Shadows

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Case Closed?

Friday, Feb. 17, 2006 12:01 AM

President Bush says he's satisfied with the explanation Vice President Cheney gave for the accident in which Cheney shot Harry Whittington.

And even the sheriff's department investigating the incident has concluded no criminal charges are warranted.

Yet, the facts continue to suggest there is something more to the story.

Katharine Armstrong, the ranch owner and one of the key eyewitnesses, was with the vehicles, which were 100 yards from Cheney. Was she using binoculars? And if they were powerful enough to clearly see Cheney, did the field of view include Whittington?

Gun enthusiasts have questioned the range at which the shooting occurred, due to the penetration of shot through Whittington's jacket, shirt, and far enough into his chest to migrate into his heart within a day. The figure of 30 yards is Cheney's own estimate.

And other hunters are wondering why Cheney was shooting down towards a gully, when the goal is to hit the bird while it is 5-10 feet in the air.

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