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Farewell, G'Kar

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2006 12:01 AM

Actor Andreas Katsulas, remembered by science-fiction fans as G'Kar on the show Babylon 5, has passed away.

Katsulas also portrayed the sinister one-armed man in the motion picture adaptaton of The Fugitive.

As if getting shot by Vice President Dick Cheney wasn't bad enough, Harry Whittington suffered a mild heart attack as a direct consequence of the accident.

One of the pellets that remained in his body had migrated to his heart.

Whittington is in stable condition, with doctors monitoring him closely.

But, prior to news of Whittington's heart attack, the idiots in the White House were busy cracking more jokes about it. Scott McClellan said he was wearing an orange tie in honor of the visiting University of Texas Longhorns, not because Vice President Cheney was on the premises.

On Monday, Florida Governor Jeb Bush slapped an orange sticker on his chest and made quip, saying he was, "... a little concerned that Dick Cheney is going to walk in."

Pay attention, folks: IT'S NOT FUNNY..

Dick Cheney shot another human being. Accident aside, fault aside, the Vice President handled a firearm in a careless manner.

And he has yet to acknowledge any responsibility in the affair.

Later in the day, when McClellan knew about Whittington's condition, but did not disclose it to reporters, McClellan dismissively said, "If you want to continue to spend time on that, that's fine. We're moving on to the priorities of the American people. That's where our focus is."

What? I thought you were all deeply concerned that Whittington was getting the medical care he needed. This overwhelming concern was being offered up as the reason it took over twenty hours to divulge Dick Cheney's role in the accident.

And suddenly, Whittington isn't important?

Another left-handed compliment comes from Pamela Willeford, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland.

"He's very safety conscious. This is something that unfortunately was a bad accident and when you're with a group like that, he's safe or safer than all the rest of us," she said.

If the safest guy in the group is the one that manages to drill another hunter, I'd hate to think what the rest of the bunch is like.

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