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Grave Threats

Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 12:27 AM

Although President Bush's concern about a nuclear-capable Iran is a valid one, the game of fumbleball that took us into Iraq (and which still has us committed to a presence in Iraq) stands a fair chance to rise up and bite the Bush Administration in their posteriors.

Folks are likely to cast a skeptical eye on the, 'we don't want proof to be a mushroom cloud' song and dance. Our allies and even interested third parties will want concrete proof, beyond, perhaps, the level of Colin Powell's presentation on Iraq.

Even pointing out the 'wipe Israel off the map' statement of Iran's new president could be dismissed as bluster.

This is why accepting responsibility in a meaningful fashion - not as part of a strategy to pose for the history books - is so important. This is why our nation's conduct in a time of war must be entirely aboveboard. This is what separates leaders from REMFs.*

It's not the peaceniks breaking the nation's will to victory, Mr. Bush; it's you. Slogans and adrenalin will only take you so far. NFL coaches get fired for screwing up as bad as you have. At some point, owners and fans get tired of excuses, and as the saying goes, 'you can't fire the players.'

There's hope that Ayman Zawahiri is among those killed in an attack on a village in northwest Pakistan.

(Zawahiri is Osama bin Laden's top lieutenant, often the face and voice of al-Qaeda in messages, including a recent taunt aimed at President Bush.)

* REMF = Rear-Echelon Mother F***er, military acronym for clueless types who issue orders that have no basis or bearing on combat reality.

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