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See Dick? See Dick Spin.

Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 12:00 AM

The Bush Administration continues its weak defense of its secret and warrant-free wiretap program, this time with Vice President Dick Cheney's astounding claim that, had this program been in place prior to 9/11, it could very well have netted some of the hijackers and prevented the attacks.

Is it just me, or is this a masterpiece of circular logic?

Under what circumstances would we have cause to have instituted such a program prior to 9/11? Surely, not the reports on terrorist threats that were dismissed and shrugged off as 'background'? Are we now to believe that terrorism was at the forefront of the minds of the folks who continually told us that they hadn't the faintest glimmer that terrorists would use airplanes as weapons? (Cheney himself still says that, "... we didn't know they were here plotting until it was too late.")

And, if 9/11 had not happened, would we have USA PATRIOT, which the President describes as absolutely vital, that we can't go a single day without it?

Cheney's waffle-talk continues as he offers no guarantee against future attacks, but describes the, "relative safety," of the last four years as the result of, "sensible policy decisions."

Sorry, Dick. That's about as valid as saying whistling keeps elephants off the White House lawn. We can't guarantee, of course, that we won't ever see an elephant on the White House lawn, but their relative absence is clearly the result of sound policy.

Stop using 9/11 to hold up your political trousers.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

scottski - 2006-01-05 11:13:14
they assume we forgot about those Prededential Daily Memos. they sure try.