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Suddenly Worthy?

Sunday, Nov. 20, 2005 10:34 PM

After Friday evening's brouhaha in Congress, where Republicans first introduced a measure that was a ham-fisted mockery of Rep. John Murtha's comments on whether we have a strategy for bringing our troops home from Iraq, then were embarassed by the freshman representative from Ohio firing off an indirect slur on Murtha's courage and patriotism, President Bush had this to say:

"People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq. I heard somebody say, well, maybe so-and-so is not patriotic because they disagree with my position. I totally reject that thought. This is not an issue of who's [a] patriot and who's not patriotic. It's an issue of an honest, open debate about the way forward in Iraq."

President Bush, you are a bare-faced liar.

We have, in the past, and within the past week, heard nothing but how Democrats questioning our rationale for the 'war' in Iraq are hypocrites who are undermining troop morale and sending messages of weakness to the enemy.

We have, within your administration, heard suggestions from White House spokesman Ari Fleischer that criticizing you was unpatriotic.

Did not former Attorney General John Ashcroft chide critics of the USA-PATRIOT Act, concerned with the erosion of civil liberties, as '... only serving terrorists.'?

And did not the White House liken Murtha - a Democrat who has a record of being pro-military - to filmmaker Michael Moore, accuse Murtha of catering to the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic Party, and '... wanting to surrender to the terrorists.'?

Mr. Bush, your Administration has been replete with examples of the exact opposite of your words. Is that a 'flip-flop' worthy of John Kerry? Is it 'saying one thing and doing another,' as Al Gore would?

Murtha raises the question of a strategy for withdrawal, because we do not seem to have a strategy for success, nor do we have a clear means of evaluating our progress to date. In the apparent absence of a clear strategy, expressing the view that we need one is a valid, credible alternative to fighting this battle with wishful thinking.

Congressman Murtha's question is a worthy one, deserving of an answer. And I applaud the Congressman for having the courage to ask it.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

John - 2005-11-22 17:26:04
My grandfather told me several times as I was growing up to never trust any politicians because "They're all phonies!" So, while I don't like the way they're tar-and-feathering Murtha, he's hardly a role model: